Welcome to the new year!  What a year it is already shaping up to be!  I had a wonderful, restful, indulgent and rejuvenating few weeks off.  It was a wonderful break with family over Christmas and then a very easy and relaxed New Years welcome. 

I spent much of my time indulging in Sydney's many beaches.  My beach going kit expanded seemingly every day with big umbrellas and eskies laden with food and refreshments.  I may have needed the Hilux to transport my beach kit but hey - it was worth it.  Sydney certainly has some amazing spots to spend whiling away hours in crystal waters and with sandy white beaches.  And all very close to where we live!  So lucky.

I had a great respite that was partially forced as the upstairs studio was taken over with visitors and holiday makers aplenty which was good as it 'forced' me to surrender the want to be in the 'office' and on the computer.  That couldn't possibly happen with all the visitors and I do draw the line at taking the laptop to the beach.  Camping yes - beach NO!

My holiday 'project' actually turned to the gardening variety.  I tackled some planting and some irrigation systems and now have managed to put in place a rather lovely array of floral decollatage (Impatiens are the big thing this 'season') complete with timer operated watering systems.  I think I'm a little bit clever! 

There was a lot of outdoor BBQ action and solid eating but there was also some good investment into exercise so I can safely say that I am not too far out of action to start up the new year with a bit of physical action thrown in.  I had to do that after all the wining and dining over the festive season but I am not bemoaning any of it.

This year will see a few additions to MAX Remedial with an extra day of appointments being added to the mix.  Wednesdays will now be available for appointments from 1:15 - 3:45pm.  This will make it slightly easier to check in with me if you can't do a Saturday and I am very much looking forward to having a 'work from home' day to boot. 

There will also be a price increase with fees going up to $110 for 75min and $95 for 60min for 2014.  This is to bring prices inline with my CBD practice. 

I have some holidays planned for 2014 as well with the GAY GAMES coming around again in August this year and my volleyball team 'THE STUDS' entering into the BB POOL of the games!  Yes - shriek.  I have to start training NOW.  In October I will be taking an extended break as I treat my nephew to a trip to Europe.  it will be a cavalcade of countries with soccer being primary on the menu (he's a mad Euro Soccer fan).  So keep up to date on the Facebook Page with when I won't be available.

So with that in mind - I shall launch into 2014 on Wednesday 8th January with vim and vigour for the coming year.  Got my goals, got my plans, got me girdles ready for the ride!  Bring on 2014.

AuthorPeter Furness