

We get it - stuff happens and sometimes you can’t make it!

You can cancel any appointment via our EZYBOOK system (www.ezybook.net). Simply click CANCEL in the bottom R hand corner of your appointment information.

P: 02 9299 9964


Out of respect for our therapists time, we do require 24hrs cancellation of any scheduled appointment. This is to help our therapists fill the spot if you can’t make it.

Cancelling within 24hrs of a scheduled appointment may incur a 50% Cancellation Fee. This is to help protect our therapists time, availability and income.

*Failure to provide 24hrs notice may incur a 50% Cancellation Fee (of the original appointment)

*If you need to change the time frame of a scheduled appointment, no fee is implemented. (60min-45min)

*if you need to change the start time of an appointment within a therapists availability no fee is implemented.

*Failure to appear at a scheduled appointment will incur a 100% fee of the original appointment.

 The more notice you can give us the more chance we have of filling that slot. If you can’t make it, do let us know via email info@maxremedial.com or P: 02 9299 9964. We appreciate that sometimes things happen but letting us know as early as possible means we can do everything we can to make other arrangements.