In any form of recovery from injury, the ‘activation’ stage is the realm of actually doing exercises and key movements to ensure that muscles work ‘sequentially’ and as a group, to perform safe and efficient movement.  This is also where a lot of patients fall down because they ‘don‘t do their homework’  These all important exercises that a patient has to do to contribute to their own recovery are a vital part of the program to recovery and pain free movement.

It happens so quickly.  It happens when you are doing the most pedestrian movement or simply reaching to pick up a pencil.  But when it happens - 'oh lord have mercy'!  A spasm in the back can be earth shattering and leave you sobbing on the couch as you are stuck, immobilised, face down with your derrière stuck up 'in the air', clutching at your mobile to call someone to come to your aid.