One of the best things you can do to ensure your good health is to learn how to read food labels and to understand what you're eating and where it comes from.  There's a lot of jargon on the labels that can confuse, befuddle and make digesting the information more difficult than digesting the product!  But there are a few tricks in there that are utilised by food producers to get away with non-legitimate claims.  Knowing what you are looking for and identifying what is true for you is a little bit of education that is important for making the right choices. 

AuthorPeter Furness

Clean Living is life without toxins.  Ingesting foodstuffs that hasn't had a whole heap of processing done to it before it reaches your mouth.  Receiving food in its raw state is the best way to indulge in a clean lifestyle.  Additives such as preservatives, sugars, flavourings and the like, all have toxic elements contained within them.  Some of these are processed within the body and some stay around in fat deposits after the body has dealt with them.  Now you aren't going to have a toxic system by eating a bowl of factory produced microwaved french fries.  But consistent ingesting of this type of food is going to build up levels of toxins in your system which is going to raise issues over a sustained period.

AuthorPeter Furness

As it gets colder, our bodies want to slow down and go inward but our work/family/social commitments often require us to stay in Summer or Spring mode, so things can go a bit off kilter. We can feel emotionally worn-out, unable to sleep or focus, and we may have aches and pains or suffer poor digestion as our bodies feel over extended. It is also common for lingering lung problems to show up, such as sinus and allergies or a constant sniffling nose or dry throat. Alongside acupuncture and personalised Chinese medicine formulas there are some simple self-care rituals I encourage my patients to do to help build the body’s resistance to the cold-weather woes.

AuthorPeter Furness

Is there truly a 'superfood'?  Is there one thing that we all should be ingesting in vast quantities to make us super well and energetic?  We are complex beings with complex needs and every person has their own unique metabolism, genetic makeup and challenges in nutrition and diet.  So does the Superfood really exist or is it a marketing myth and good advertising from industry moguls? 

AuthorPeter Furness