Headache pain and migraines are influenced by many factors and the mere band-aid effect of paracetamol covers the topical pain relief but does little for the ongoing maintaining and treatment of such a condition. There are so many causes for headache and migraine pain and it covers a broad and varying degree of conditions, from a mild unpleasant and irritable throbbing, to blackouts, vomiting and loss of bladder control.  Sensitivity to light also features prominently in migraines themselves so the degree to which people suffer as well as the causative effects are large, varying and numerous.

AuthorPeter Furness

The chewing action of jaw is often taken for granted, but this highly specialised joint is something that can have far reaching implications to sufferers.  TMD (Temporomandibular Joint Disorders) or TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint) issues are often cited by medical professionals as a cause of all manner of symptoms and ailments.  Like 'sciatica' many 'Dr Googles' lead people to believe that they have this condition that becomes a generic term describing any pain that may sometimes be inexplicable or undefinable.