Understanding and embracing the fact that this is when everything goes out the window is a positive outlook to the frantic rush that is pre-Christmas.  You can have all the best intentions of 'doing it strongly' and committing to gruelling summer training schedules and restricted eating plans so that come January 1, you are able to strut your stuff on the boardwalks of Bondi and not feel intimidated.

AuthorPeter Furness

One of the best things you can do to ensure your good health is to learn how to read food labels and to understand what you're eating and where it comes from.  There's a lot of jargon on the labels that can confuse, befuddle and make digesting the information more difficult than digesting the product!  But there are a few tricks in there that are utilised by food producers to get away with non-legitimate claims.  Knowing what you are looking for and identifying what is true for you is a little bit of education that is important for making the right choices. 

AuthorPeter Furness

Is there truly a 'superfood'?  Is there one thing that we all should be ingesting in vast quantities to make us super well and energetic?  We are complex beings with complex needs and every person has their own unique metabolism, genetic makeup and challenges in nutrition and diet.  So does the Superfood really exist or is it a marketing myth and good advertising from industry moguls? 

AuthorPeter Furness